Funeral Mass for Miscarried Babies

Our First Funeral Mass for Miscarried Babies

On September 27, 2022,  we had a Funeral Mass for Miscarried Babies and Dedication of the Little Souls Cemetery. Over 140 people attended and 39 babies' names were read aloud during the Mass.  We held this first Mass at the cemetery so that blessing and dedication for the cemetery could happen at the same time. 

The people directly involved with the Mass (readers, servers, etc.) were all family members of miscarried babies.  This helped make visible to those in attendance how many families are affected by miscarriage and that they were not alone. 

Future Funeral Masses

We are planning to continue with a yearly Funeral Mass for babies lost to miscarriage. The future Masses will be held at the church itself. We will, however, continue to read babies' names during the Mass and have the family members be involved with the Mass.

Would You Like To Have a Funeral Mass for Miscarried Babies 

at Your Own Parish? 

We Can Help!

Please contact us and we will work with you and your parish to organize your own special Funeral Mass for Miscarried Babies. 

Services We Provide